Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Practical Information

IT Services

I want to change my Portal password I want to register for eduroam (WiFi)
Welcome to the web page of FMC IT Services. Please read this page to see how things work. If you encounter any IT-related problems while studying at the FMC, we will do our best to help you.

Mgr. Pavel Krutil

IT Technician TEL:+420 576 034 131 Mobile:+420 606 777 283 E-mail: Office:U41/210

Ing. Karel Borýsek

IT Specialist TEL:+420 576 034 123 Mobile:+420 605 485 518 E-mail: Office:U41/210

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any problems using IT services at TBU, start here: Information Technology Centre. If you have not found a solution there (e. g. when your problem is specific for FMC), read this page. If your problem persists, please send an e-mail to In your request, please be as specific as possible. You will be notified of both the acceptance of your request as well as the fact whether it has been solved. You may be asked to provide additional information if necessary.

Quick link: TBU Wireless Network Guide

User Accounts | Logging In | Wireless |  Room for Your Data | Cloud Storage | E-learning (Moodle) | Student IDs | Printing/Copying/Scanning | PrintCentre | Useful Contacts

User Accounts

Account type Use Username Default password Password change Problems?
Active Directory – Workstations login1
– IS/STAG Portal
– FMC Cloud
– Moodle LMS
– SafeQ Printing
– MyQ Printing
(“j_doe”…) provided by the International Department2 get password change password
Wifi (eduroam) eduroam login generated upon registration entered during registration by repeating registration for the same user

1 domain logging is applicable for all PCs and Macintoshes used by students
2 foreign nationals


All members of staff and students are bound to observe the rules outlined in applicable rector’s directives and decrees.

Logging In

A single login username is created for each new user (student). You will receive account details (username/password) from the International Department, if not, please contact the TBU IT Services Department at (Building U13, Room 219). You can change your password at any time at


You can use wireless with the SSID “eduroam” in all TBU buildings, provided you first register here (enter a password for connecting to the wireless network and write down your login username [““]; your account will be activated immediately).
To configure your device for eduroam, connect to another network, go to, download the configurator for Tomas Bata University in Zlín for your operating system, run it and follow instructions. When asked for a username, use your full email address ( and your eduroam password.

Room for Your Data

You can store your data

  • locally (in Windows usually in “C:\Users\<user>\My Documents”, in OS X at “Macintosh HD:Users:<user>)
  • in Windows at “U:” (Active Directory Storage, user quota 1GB)
  • in Windows at “W:” (FMC data server storage, with a user quota of 5GB), accessible from anywhere at
  • in OS X, your home directory at the FMC data server is mounted upon login (an icon with your username should appear on the desktop; if not, go to your Finder preferences and check “Connected servers” on the General tab).

Cloud Storage

Your files stored on the “W:” drive (Windows) or on your home share mounted on your desktop when you log in to macOS are accesible from ANYWHERE at Apart from using this web interface you can install a Nextcloud client on your personal laptop/PC/smartphone/tablet (the principle of Nextcloud is similar to that of Dropbox). Clients for different devices and operating systems can be downloaded at You DO NOT NEED to install these clients at student workstations at the FMC, you can access your “cloud” files from Windows Explorer of macOS Finder.

Student IDs

Your TBU student card can be used for paying for meals at the Refectory, SafeQ printing, and access to certain restricted parts of the buildings of the FMC. If you have problems using your card as expected please write to

Printing, copying and scanning

Printers available for students_

  • Building U4 (1st floor, next to the Student Services office): RICOH Aficio MP C3003 printer/copier/scanner
  • Building U16 (1st floor, corridor of the Digital Design Studio): Ricoh Aficio MP C3003 printer/copier/scanner

Both printers are hooked up to the SafeQ payment system, which enables payment using student IDs. When printing to any of these printers from Windows, choose “Cernobily-Tisk-UTB”/”Black-White-Print-UTB” for black-and-white printing or  “Barevny-Tisk-UTB”/”Color-Print-UTB” for colour prints. You will find the U16 printer also under the name “P46-RICOH-Aficio-MP-C3003-PCL6-SafeQ”. Student cards can be charged using a charging station situated on the ground floor of the rectorate building (U13) or in cash at the U4 refectory cash desk. You can monitor your print queue at the Reprographic Services web page (use the TBU Portal login). The printing is started after your card has been read by the printer terminal. Unfinished jobs are automatically deleted from the queue 24 hours after submission. You can also use this multifunction machine to copy or scan documents (and have them sent to your e-mail).

You can also print, copy, scan and bind at the University Library. Read the instructions here: Printing, CopyingScanning and Binding Services

E-learning (Moodle)

The TBU e-learning site is located at


The FMC Print Centre, located in Room U41/114 (main building of the FMC [U41], ground floor), is equipped with two 42-inch EPSON 9900 plotters, one 24-inch EPSON 7800 plotter, connected to an EFI Fiery XF software RIP, and a laminating machine. You must pay for your prints before picking them up. The Cash Office of TBU is located on the ground floor of building U13 and is open Mon-Thu 8.30–11.00 and 13.00–14.30, of Fridays 8.30–11.00.

Useful Contacts

  • U16 (Digital and Product Design Technician):
    Building U16/219
  • Active Directory/TBU Portal logins, university e-mail, wireless (eduroam):
    Building U13, phone +420 576 032 525 or just extension 2525,
    Building U13, phone +420 576 032 055 or just extension 2055,
  • PrintCentre:
  • Student cards – new, lost, access rights:
    Building U13, phone +420 576 032 020 or just extension 2020,

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Faculties and departments
