FMC Mission
To nurture creative individuals for the communities of the future through a unique collaboration of disciplines.
FMC Vision
“In 2027, we are an internationally respected institution setting trends in the creative industries.”
One of TBU visions (from the TBU 21+ Strategic Plan)
“By 2030, to be a university that emphasizes education to personal responsibility, development of creativity and entrepreneurial thinking, and creates space for new business opportunities through a stable support system.”
FMC Values
I share the mission and vision of the faculty, spreading and defending its good name.
Open Communication
I share relevant information, provide constructive criticism, and provide space for other to express their opinion.
Belonging and Mutual Respect
I am aware of the value of my colleagues and their time and act together with them in the best interests of the faculty.
Professionalism and Collaboration
I handle matters for which I have accepted responsibility in a timely, conscientious, and competent manner, working only with those involved, with respect to their time and competence.
Safe and Creative Environment
I defend academic freedoms, co-create space for creativity and fight discrimination.