Mgr. Eliška Káčerková, Ph.D.
Department of Marketing CommunicationsSubjects in 2024/2025
History of Marketing Communications
Advertising 2
Information Sources and Their Use
Methodology for Writing Qualification (Bachelor and Diploma) Works
Bachelor and Diploma Internship
Consulting hours
Thursday 9am - 11amCurriculum vitae
2007 - 2012: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, Ph.D.
2008 - 2009: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Applied Informatics – pedagogical studies
2002 - 2007: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Mgr.
1998 - 2002: Masaryk´s Grammar School, Vsetín
Internships and study stays
2022: Malopolska Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomiczna w Tarnowie, Poland - lecturer within the Erasmus programme
Process of employment
- 2008 - present: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Department of Marketing Communications, senior lecturer
- 2021 - 2023: Head of Department of Marketing Communications
- 2016 - present: Zlín Film Festival, PR assistent
- 2008 - 2013: Comtech, Zlín, PR executive a copywriter
- 2006: Crest Communication, Prague, PR executive
- 2005: Zlín Film Festival, Zlín, marketing assistent
Membership of bodies
The member of TBU Academic Senate - member since 2022
Chairwoman of the Academic Senate Faculty of Multimedia Communications - since October 2023
Creative activities
Project outputs
Other publications
JUŘÍKOVÁ, Martina; LIŽBETINOVÁ, Lenka; KÁČERKOVÁ, Eliška. Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Service Enterprises and their Attitudes Towards Marketing Investments. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 2022.
GÖTTLICHOVÁ, Marcela, KÁČERKOVÁ, Eliška. The University of The Third Age – The Journey to Active And Healthy Aging, International Conference on Arts, Education and Social Science (ICAES), Cannes, France on 13 -14 September, 2022.
Káčerková, Eliška, Pilátová, Karolína. 2021. Rámec pro funkční implementaci CSR strategie. Marketing & komunikace, 2021/2, s 20. -21, ISSN 1211-5622.
Káčerková, Eliška. 2019. Social networks, their role and influence on generation Y versus generation Z when recruiting applicants for Higher Education Institutions. In: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2019) [online]. Seville: Iated-Int Assoc Technology Education & Development, 2019, s. 3231-3237. ISSN 2340-1095. Dostupné z: https://library.iated.org/view/KACERKOVA2019SOC.
Káčerková, Eliška. 2018. Preferences of Communication Tools in Choice of High School. Marketing Identity, 6(1/1), 85-92.