Tomas Bata University in Zlín


The tenth annual Culturea festival 2022

The first weekend of April 2022 will once again bring two completely different foreign countries to Zlín. The jubilee tenth year of the Culturea travel festival will take place in Zámek Zlín on Friday and Saturday, April 1st and 2nd. During the two-day program full of presentations, workshops or music will the visitors be able to get acquainted with the cultures of Finland and Turkey, as well as the increasingly popular way of traveling in vans.

“We are glad that we can once again introduce visitors to the cultures of other countries and inspire them for their own journeys. Above all, we want to show them that they do not have to be afraid of traveling and distant cultures, and on the contrary, they can be enriched by them, ”says project manager Barbora Navrátilová.

The Culturea Festival is held annually under the guidance of students of the Faculty of Multimedia Communications of Tomas Bata University in Zlín.

The task of the Culturea festival is to introduce two completely different world cultures to the audience, which is why this year will also be marked by the motto Beauty of Contrasts. Visitors can look forward to inspiring discussions with a number of experienced travelers, like the globetrotter Radovan Hanko or the passionate hitch-hiker Slávek Král, who will tell them about their adventures. The highlight of the program on the first festival day will be a live concert of the Bojkovice-based band RAMUZ.

The festival will also offer a rich travel experience on Saturday, when several rooms of Zámek Zlín will open to those interested, in which, in addition to other exciting stories from Finland and Turkey, they will be inspired by stories about trips in vans but also workshops of oriental dances and Nordic hardening. People will also be able to try the traditional Turkish painting technique of Ebro.

“During this year’s festival, people will be able to try out a number of activities that they would not normally have the opportunity to experience. Refreshments in the form of traditional foreign delicacies will also be prepared for visitors, “adds Anna Vrbková, a member of the organizing team.

This year the festival will take place in Zámek Zlín with the support of the Živý Zlín cultural and creative center. This organization in Zlín regularly organizes a number of cultural events of various topics. Tickets can be purchased online through the GoOut service ( or directly on site during the festival.

More information about the festival and its complete program, including tickets, can be found on the website, or on the Facebook or Instagram profile Culturea.

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