Tomas Bata University in Zlín


The Game Jam Zlín 2023

The Game Jam Zlín 2023 is a hackathon for the creation of PC games, where computer game developers will gather and create a game on a predetermined theme within 48 hours. This year it will take place for the first time from March 3rd to 5th, 2023 in the TIC Zlín. The Game Jam is organized by our faculty in cooperation with the Faculty of Applied Informatics of TBU.

The Game jam participants are most often programmers, graphic artists, game designers, screenwriters, sound engineers and musicians… This year’s event is open to students of FMC and FAI UTB in Zlín. We will meet on the 3rd of March on the 4th floor of the TIC. It is possible to spend the night here, but we would recommend taking a sleeping bag and mat with you.

The maximum is 20 FAI students and 20 FMC students, applications and other questions should be sent to

Faculties and departments
