Tomas Bata University in Zlín


Fashion Event Dotek is looking for new designers

The non-profit project Fashion Event Dotek is once again announcing an Open Call for students who are engaged in fashion creation and are interested in participating in the realization of a fashion show, this time with the theme of Metamorphosis. They can send their application until January 7, 2024.

Over the past two years, Dotek has revealed its roots, discovered its identity, and this year will undergo a metamorphosis. Submitted works must meet the specified theme and contain at least 4 models, an integral part of the submitted work must also include one product that will be part of the charity auction.

All high school and university students from all over Europe who focus on fashion design can apply via the online form. Those interested can submit both finished and in-progress works, from which the organizing team, under the guidance of an expert jury, will subsequently select 10 creators who will present themselves at the show itself.

“Touch is an event of my heart, in which I myself participated for several years during my studies. I am very happy that Dotek, together with our Clothing Design studio, is managing to move in a more professional direction. This year’s Open Call is a great opportunity for all students to present their collections to the general public and get feedback. The Metamorphosis theme touches every creative and is a great theme for young and budding designers. I’m really curious about the changes individual students deal with in their work, but also in their lives,” says Adriana Šatková, a member of the expert jury.

Fashion Event Dotek will take place in Zlín on March 23, 2024. Proceeds will go to support the non-profit organization Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer, o.p.s. More information is available on Dotek’s website or Instagram profile, where it is also possible to log in.

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