Tomas Bata University in Zlín


Dialog Diffusion Design

We cordially invite you to the exhibition of the Industrial Design studio of the Faculty of Multimedia Communications of the TBU in Zlín called “Dialog Difuze Design”, which will take place as part of Bratislava Design Week 23.

The exhibition project will be presented as part of a curatorial selection and it will be possible to see it in the PRIOR building, Kamenné Náměstí, Bratislava. The exhibition will last from December 6 to 10, 2023. We would especially like to invite you to the lecture, which will take place on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Studio teacher Jakub Hrdina will present the topic “Dialogue, Diffusion, Design – the era of AI generative tools”. He will talk about the exhibition project, studio activities and the implementation of artificial intelligence in the design process.

The project of the students and teachers of the Industrial Design studio of the Faculty of Multimedia Communications of the Tomáš Bata University in Zlín called “Dialog Diffusion Design” will present the vision of the futuristic machine Modificai 2.0, which generates variant visual solutions of selected iconic products that significantly influenced the direction and development of industrial design and almost always were influenced by the advent of new technologies. It shows us that we don’t have to be afraid of using them. Another part of the exhibition will be projects focused on progressive technologies, such as virtual reality, parametric design and machine learning. Products, such as space stations, buildings, means of transport and smaller objects, will be presented in the exhibition through virtual reality, at the same time physical models of selected design proposals will be presented.

Faculties and departments
