Tomas Bata University in Zlín


Bonfire@Zlín #1 – The Pioneers

The first annual meeting of game developers of the Zlín region, called Bonfire@Zlín #1 – The Pioneers, will take place on December 4 at 5:00 pm in the Student Club U7 at Štefánikova 150, Zlín. This event is jointly organized by the UPPER Center of Creative Industries and Business, polyperfect, FlyingRat Studio and Visiongame.

The goal of the Bonfire@Zlín event is to unite the community of game developers in the Zlín region and create an environment for inspiring presentations from experts in the field. The program of the evening will offer three interesting presentations, which will be focused on different aspects of game development. The first presentation under the title “Development of the visual style of an indie game” will be presented by Pavel Novák from polyperfect. Marek Zeman from Terrible Posture Games will focus on the topic “Finding your own path as a game designer”, while Martin Pernica from Flying Rat Studio will approach the technical aspects in the lecture “How the choice of technology can affect your development path”. The presentations will be followed by an opportunity for inspiring meetings with leading creators in the games industry and for relaxation and discussion over a favorite drink.

“The motivation for Bonfire@Zlin is to create a space for game development enthusiasts, but also for those who are perhaps just considering this journey, where we will be able to share information and experience both in the form of lectures and relaxed sitting. Since the development of new games is amazing, but not an easy path, I consider sharing information (and not only the positive ones, because sharing even “files” is key to learning) absolutely essential. Our goal is to create a local community on the topic of game development, where we can be inspired and learn from each other. I hope and believe that we will be able to start a certain “tradition” when this event will be repeated regularly,” said one of its initiators, Martin Pernica from the Czech developer studio Flying Rats, about the planned event.

The event follows on from the successful GameJam competition, the first year of which was organized by the UPPER Center of Creative Industries and Business, established by the Faculty of Multimedia Communications at the Tomáš Bata University in Zlín, with partners FMK, FAI and in February this year.

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