Tomas Bata University in Zlín


#5 Build it UP! – Prototyping

The last, fifth Build it UP workshop will be more practical and focused on prototyping. The workshop will be conducted by Aleksander Ristić from Prusa Lab, a prototype workshop established under the company focused on the development and distribution of 3D printers Prusa Research. The workshop will start on 5/5 from 10 a.m. in the U16 building at 4342 Tomáše Bata Street.

The workshop is intended for beginners and has a capacity of 10 participants, it will last almost three hours. Apply for it by 23.4. to

Working with modern technologies is an important part of the job for designing and prototyping products. Therefore, the last workshop of this project will deal with technologies that facilitate the designer’s work during his creation. Emphasis will be placed on their use in practice, including a demonstration of their operation. We will focus primarily on soldering, 3D printers, working with a laser and will introduce you to technologies that will also be part of the open ROBOTA workshop.

The event is free, primarily intended for FMK students, but the participation of students from other faculties will also be welcome.

The series of five workshops focused on professional topics takes place from March to May 2023. Although the project is primarily intended for students of the Faculty of Multimedia Communications, the participation of students from other faculties will be welcome. The aim of the project is, among other things, to expand students’ awareness of new and modern trends in technology development and digital marketplaces.

Faculties and departments
